Google Analytics Weekly Email Summary

Google Analytics Weekly Email Summary

New Feature:  Google Analytics Weekly Email Summary

We just a released a new feature that will make it easier than ever to monitor your website traffic -> a Google Analytics Weekly Email Summary.  Whether you are in our free or paid plan, you will receive a weekly email summary of your Google Analytics traffic.

You can expect email like the sample email below.  Of course Site 1, Site 2 and so on will be replaced by the name of your website.  Make sure you select your timezone in your settings page so that we can deliver your email at the correct time.

Every Monday morning, you can expect an email delivered to your inbox with important website traffic data.  The weekly email summary covers the time period from Monday to Sunday of the prior week.

Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time in your settings page, but we know that you’ll find these Google Analytics summaries very valuable.  In a future release, we plan to show the percentage changes over the previous week.

Sample Email

Hello Ben,

Here’s your summary of activity from last week.

* Site 1 had 1,378 sessions, 2,202 page views, 1,125 users, 1.6 pages/session, 90.09 seconds average session duration and 77.21% bounce rate.

* Site 2 had 1 sessions, 2 page views, 1 users, 2 pages/session, 1 seconds average session duration and 0% bounce rate.

* Site 3 had 27 sessions, 105 page views, 18 users, 3.89 pages/session, 371.41 seconds average session duration and 55.56% bounce rate.

* Site 4 had 16 sessions, 20 page views, 16 users, 1.25 pages/session, 10.31 seconds average session duration and 87.5% bounce rate.

For more analytic details, please visit:

Have a great week! Team

To unsubscribe from these emails please follow this link

Average Session Duration in Google Analytics

Average Session Duration in Google Analytics

Th average session duration in Google Analytics is an often used metric to understand the engagement of your website audience.  Per Google Analytics, it is calculated as:

Average Session Duration = total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions

Engagement Hits on Last Page

As you enter the landing page of SeoHighLighter, for example, Google Analytics tracks the time from the first hit on the landing page to the last hit on the last page you visit.  For example, you start on the landing page, check out the FAQ section, and then find yourself on this blog post.  You read it and navigate back to  Because you left SeoHighLighter, Google Analytics can track the time at which you left this site.

Average Session Duration in GA

You’re Browsing and Leave for Lunch

However, what if you are browsing, for example, landed on the home page and are now reading this post and then leave for lunch.  Google analytics has no clue how long you have spent reading this blog post.

Average Session Duration in Google Analytics

Basically, when you don’t click anything else on my site or navigate away from my site, it stops the session duration at the time you first entered this blog post (assuming it was the last page your are reading on my site and then left for lunch).

Also, if you have high bounce rates, your session duration will drop because, again, GA doesn’t know how long spent reading this post if there is no last engagement to record another point in time.