Net Promoter Score Dashboard

Net Promoter Score Dashboard + Google Analytics = Amazing Traffic Insight

We are excited to offer a new Google Analytics integration with!  Start tracking your NPS score for free at FanExam.  We now offer an amazing Net Promoter Score Dashboard so you can view your NPS stats in real-time.

How it Works

  1. Sign up for a free account at FanExam.
  2. Follow the directions here on how to integrate FanExam to Google Analytics in 4 simple steps.  No need to set up any reporting in GA.  We do that for you in SeoHighLighter.
  3. In FanExam, navigate to the Integrations tab under Settings, turn on the Google Analytics integration and then select the Dimension that was assigned in GA.
  4. That’s it.  We’ll auto detect the FanExam data in GA and begin reporting on it when data becomes available

Amazing Insight

By combining NPS data with GA statistics, you will receive amazing insight into customer traffic on your site or service.

The screenshot below is a real example of how you can your view your real-time NPS statistics.

NPS Dahsboard

By pairing NPS with GA, you can reveal some amazing statistics about your traffic.  For example, Promoters are staying on my site much longer than detractors.

NPS Google Analytics Data